
走向卓越:美国富兰克林·欧林工学院办学模式探析 被引量:8

Towards Excellence: A Case Study of Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
摘要 建设卓越的大学是每个国家发展战略的组成部分。卓越并不存在统一的标准,每一所卓越的学校都有与众不同的特色。通过对美国富兰克林·欧林工学院的办学缘起、办学实践、可资借鉴的经验及存在的问题进行分析,指出美国私立教育的悠久传统以及欧林工学院创办者清晰的办学理念和行之有效的办学方案是其成功的关键。然而,欧林工学院既有创造性的突破,前景也充满了不确定性,能否一直维持其创校以来的发展劲头依然是其发展过程中面临的巨大挑战。 Building an excellent higher education is a part of the plan of every country in the world. There is not uniform standard for all of colleges and every successful college has her distinctive features. This paper explores the history and the developmental practices of Olin College of Engineering and pays special attention to experiences and lessons that can be exportable to other colleges. It highlights different missions and strategic visions that are key to blazing a path towards an excellent college. The paper also expresses its doubt as to how Olin can sustain the present momentum as it matures.
机构地区 北京师范大学
出处 《国家教育行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期84-90,共7页 Journal of National Academy of Education Administration
基金 北京市教育科学"十一五"规划2009年度重点课题(ADA09037)
关键词 办学模式 欧林工学院 一流大学 running model olin college of engineering first-class university
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