目的 探讨丙泊酚预先给药对脂多糖(LPS)所致急性肺损伤的影响及其机制.方法 将45只雄性SD大鼠随机分为3组:对照组(C组)、LPS组(L组)和LPS+丙泊酚组(LP组),每组15只.C组尾静脉注射生理盐水;L组尾静脉注射LPS 7.5 mg/kg;LP组在尾静脉注射LPS7.5 mg/kg的基础上加用丙泊酚30 mg/kg.实验结束后放血处死大鼠,取肺组织进行病理学检查并测定肺湿/干重比(W/D);计算肺湿/干比重比值(W/D比值)、MPO活性及肺泡灌洗液中总蛋白含量,光镜下行WBC计数,同时Western blot检测肺组织中Beclin-1表达.结果 与C组比较,L组肺组织中W/D比值、WBC计数及总蛋白含量[5.21±0.27、(6.57 ±1.25)×10^6/L、(2.01±0.32)g/ml]均明显升高(P<0.05),Beclin-1蛋白的表达水平(0.31 ±0.11)明显升高;与L组比较,W/D比值、WBC计数及总蛋白含量[4.41 ±0.21、(2.67±0.38)×10^6/L、(0.27 ±0.11) g/ml]明显降低(P<0.05),Beclin-1蛋白的表达水平(0.47 ±0.15)亦明显升高.结论 丙泊酚具有肺保护作用,且该作用可能与其增加细胞内自噬相关基因Beclin-1表达有关.
Objective To investigate the protective effect of propofol pretreatment in a rat model of acute lung injury and the possible mechanisms. Methods Forty-five male SD rats weighing [ (250- 280) g] were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 15 each) : control group (group C), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) group (group L) and LPS + propofol group (group LP). Saline solution was injected into rats of group C through caudal vein. LPS (7.5 mg/kg) was injected into rats of group LP through caudal vein. LPS (7.5 mg/kg) and propofol (30 mg/kg) were injected into the rats of group LP through caudal vein at the same time. After the experiment, the lung wet-to-dry weight ratio ( W/D ) , total protein (TP) con- tents, and counts of white blood cells (WBC) in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were determined. The expression of Becinl was measured by Western blotting. Results As compared with group C, the W/D, WBC counts, TP contents and expression of Beclin-1 were significantly increased in group L [5.21 ±0. 27, (6. 57 ± 1.25) × 10^6/L, (2. 01 ± 0. 32) g/ml and 0. 31 ± 0. 11 respectively). As compared with group L, the W/D, WBC counts, TP contents and expression of Beclin-1 were significantly increased in group L [4.41 ±0. 21, (2. 67±0. 38)× 10^6/L, (0. 27 ±0. 11 ) g/ml and 0. 47 ±0. 15 respectively ]. Conclusion Propotol exerts a lung protective effect in the rats of ALl, which may be associated with the expression of autophagy related protein Beclin-1.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery