
响应面法优化裂殖壶菌发酵培养基的研究 被引量:4

Optimization of fermentation medium for Schizochytrium sp. ATCC 2088 by response surface methodology
摘要 采用单因素试验、部分因子析因试验、最陡爬坡试验及响应面试验对裂殖壶菌发酵培养基进行优化,优化后最佳培养基组成为葡萄糖52.5 g/L、酵母膏6.5 g/L、蛋白胨2 g/L、玉米浆7.5g/L、硫酸镁0.4g/L、磷酸二氢钾0.45 g/L、海水晶20 g/L。优化后裂殖壶菌生物量从优化前的4.33 g/L提高至15.88 g/L。 The objective of this study was to optimize the fermentation medium for Schizochytrium sp.ATCC 20888 by using single-factor experiment,fractional factorial design,path of steepest ascent and Box-Benhnken design.Based on the statistical analysis,the optimal medium was composed of glucose 52.5 g/L,yeast extract 6.5 g/L,peptone 2 g/L,corn steep powder 7.5 g/L,magnesium sulfate 0.4 g/L,potassium dihydrogcn phosphate 0.45 g/L,sea crystal 20 g/L.After optimization,the biomass increased from 4.33 g/L to 15.88 g/L.
出处 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2014年第23期22-25,共4页 China Feed
关键词 裂殖壶菌 培养基优化 响应面 Schizochytrium sp.ATCC 20888 medium optimization response surface methodology
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