
Vadose-zone moisture dynamics under radiation boundary conditions during a drying process 被引量:1

Vadose-zone moisture dynamics under radiation boundary conditions during a drying process
摘要 In order to better understand the soil moisture dynamics during a drying process, a soil column experiment is conducted in the laboratory, followed by the numerical modeling with consideration of the coupled liquid water, water vapor and heat transport in the vadose zone. Results show that there are three distinct subzones above the water table according to the temporally dynamic variation of the water content profiles. Zone 1 sees a decrease in the water contents in the upper profiles (0 m-0.05 m) due to a negative net water flux in this zone where the upward isothermal water vapor flux becomes the main flow mechanism in the soils. Irl contrast, the water content within Zone 2 in the depth ranging from 0.05 m to 0.37 m sees an apparent increase over the, resulting from the positive net thermal water-vapor and isothermal liquid-water fluxes into this layer. Zone 3 (0.37 m-0.65 m) also sees an apparent decrease in the water content since the isothermal liquid water flux carries the liquid water either upward out of this region for vaporization or downward to the water table as a recharge to the groundwater. In order to better understand the soil moisture dynamics during a drying process, a soil column experiment is conducted in the laboratory, followed by the numerical modeling with consideration of the coupled liquid water, water vapor and heat transport in the vadose zone. Results show that there are three distinct subzones above the water table according to the temporally dynamic variation of the water content profiles. Zone 1 sees a decrease in the water contents in the upper profiles (0 m-0.05 m) due to a negative net water flux in this zone where the upward isothermal water vapor flux becomes the main flow mechanism in the soils. Irl contrast, the water content within Zone 2 in the depth ranging from 0.05 m to 0.37 m sees an apparent increase over the, resulting from the positive net thermal water-vapor and isothermal liquid-water fluxes into this layer. Zone 3 (0.37 m-0.65 m) also sees an apparent decrease in the water content since the isothermal liquid water flux carries the liquid water either upward out of this region for vaporization or downward to the water table as a recharge to the groundwater.
出处 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第5期734-744,共11页 水动力学研究与进展B辑(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41172204,41102144) the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China(Grant Nos.BK2011110,BK2012814)
关键词 moisture dynamics soil water flux vadose zone soil column experiment soil drying moisture dynamics, soil water flux, vadose zone, soil column experiment, soil drying
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