According to the website of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC),NHFPC has launched the baby-friendly hospitals review in mid-June 2014.Through the review,it aims to strengthen the management of baby-friendly hospitals,constantly improve the breastfeeding rate,gradually reduce the non-medically indicated cesarean delivery rates,standardize obstetric and paediatric services,strengthen quality and safety,and promote maternal and infant health.
According to the website of National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), NHFPC has iaunched the baby-friendly hospitals review in mid-June 2014. Through the review, it aims to strengthen the management of baby-friendly hospitals, constantly improve the breastfeeding rate, gradually reduce the non-medically indicated cesarean delivery rates, standardize obstetric and paediatric services, strengthen quality and safety, and promote maternal arid infant health.