
氯霉素酒精湿敷用于肿瘤患儿PICC局部感染的护理 被引量:4

Nursing intervention on local infection of PICC for children with tumor
摘要 目的:探讨肿瘤患儿PICC局部感染的护理方法。方法:将2010年1月-2014年1月我科收冶的发生PICC局部感染的70例肿瘤患儿随机分为对照组和试验组。对照组30例,采用抗生素软膏局部涂擦,试验组40例采用氯霉素酒精湿敷。比较两组局部感染治愈时间。结果:试验组局部感染治愈时间较对照组短,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:肿瘤患儿PICC局部感染采用氯霉素酒精湿敷,可缩短感染治愈时间。 Objective:To explore the nursing intervention methods on local infection of PICC for children with tumor. Methods:The total 70 cases with PICC local infection children patients from Jannuary 2010 to Jannuary 2014 in our unit were derided into the experimental group and control group. The control group received antibiotic ointment applying and the experimental group received chloramphenicol alcohol hydropathic compress. The duration of the local in- fection was compared to identify the effectiveness of these two nursing intervention methods. Results : The cure time of local infection in experimental group was shorter than control group. Conclusion:The application of chloramphenicol Alcohol hydropathic compress in the nursing intervention on PICC local infec- tion for children with tumor can shorten the duration of infection. The method is convenient and effective that deserved popularization and application in clinic.
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2014年第11期130-131,共2页 Nursing Practice and Research
基金 华中科技大学"教学质量工程"第三批教学研究项目(2009-117)
关键词 肿瘤 局部感染 氯霉素酒精 湿敷 Tumor Local Infection Chloramphenicol alcohol Hydropathic compress
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