

Should We “Creat Life”?
摘要 人造细胞是现代生物科学技术中的热点问题之一,由人造细胞及其衍生出来人造生命的伦理问题也备受关注,关于是否应该继续研究人造生命,支持者和反对者之间各执其词。以克莱格·文特"创造人造细胞"事件为切入点,回顾了人造生命的历史,简要介绍人造细胞的产生过程,分析人造细胞的正面和负面影响;同时提出马克思主义哲学可以为医学伦理问题的研究提供不同的维度与角度,让人们对人造细胞产生的道德问题做出更全面的判断。 The ethics of artificial cell and life are one of the hot issues in modern biological technology. However, they remain controversial to continue study artificial life between supporter and objector. In this paper, the history and process of artificial cell have been introduced by the event of the "invention of artificial cell". The positive and negative effects of the artificial cell were discussed. And it indicated that Marxist philosophy could offer different views and perspectives for the research of medical ethical issues, which can help to make a comprehensive judgment on the ethics of artificial cell and life.
作者 王前勇 董尧
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2014年第11期26-29,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 人造细胞 克隆 伦理 马克思主义哲学 artificial cell, cloning, ethics, Marxist philosophy
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