
等离子体点火对高能硝胺发射药点火性能影响研究 被引量:6

The Influence of Plasma Ignition on the Ignition Performance of High-energy Nitramine Gun Propellant
摘要 采用等离子体点火的方法研究了高能硝胺发射药在不同等离子体射流条件作用下的点火特性,与常规点火方式的点火特性进行了比较,分析了不同点火方式下高能硝胺发射药的静、动态点火效果,并探讨了调节等离子体点火能量对发射药点火性能影响。试验结果表明:与常规点火方式相比,等离子体点火延迟时间明显缩短;增加等离子体点火能量会使发射药点火时间短、燃烧速度快;密闭爆发器中,随着发射药装填密度增大,点火和燃烧时间均变短;受等离子体射流点火的影响,等离子体点火膛压曲线上升前期坡度比常规点火膛压曲线陡,对发射药点火燃烧影响更显著。 The ignition characteristics of high energy nitramine gun propellant under different plasma jet intensity were studied, and compared to that of the traditional ignition. Meanwhile, the static and dynamic ignition characteristics of nitramine gun propellant under different ways of ignition were analyzed, and the effect of adjusting the plasma energy upon ignition of gun propellant was discussed. The result shows that the delay time of plasma ignition is obviously shorter than that of traditional ignition. The ignition time will be shortened when the ignition energy of plasma is promoted, and the combustion time of gun propellant will be also shortened. In the closed vessel, the ignition and combustion time will be shortened with the charge density of gun propellant promoting. The gradient at initial period of p t curve of plasma ignition is larger than that of traditional ignition, which indicates that the plasma ignition has obvious effect on the gun propellant combustion.
出处 《火工品》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期28-32,共5页 Initiators & Pyrotechnics
基金 火炸药燃烧国防科技重点实验室基金项目资助(9140CC350209140C35003)
关键词 高能硝胺发射药 等离子体点火 点火特性 延迟时间 High-energy nitramine gun propellant Plasma ignition Ignition perfonnance Delay time
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