虚拟试验验证使能支撑框架(virtual test and evaluation enabling architecture,VITA)是国内具有自主知识产权的虚拟试验核心框架,具有良好的互联互通互操作性能;为充分利用现有高层体系结构(high level architecture,HLA)模型和仿真系统的积累成果,开展VITA支撑框架对异构试验系统资源集成技术的研究;提出一种可配置的异构网关自动生成技术,并实现了异构网关自动生成器,一方面实现了跨平台应用快速构建,促进了HLA异构系统资源的重用;另一方面,突破了传统网关针对某一特定应用开发的局限性,提高了开发效率,节省了应用开发的人力和时间,降低了应用人员的技术门槛,为大系统虚拟试验应用搭建奠定基础。
Virtual test and evaluation enabling architecture (VITA) is the core architecture of virtual test,well performed in communication and inter-operation.In order to utilize existing models and simulation system of high level architecture (HLA),the hetero-system resources integration technology was researched.A configurable hetero-system gateway building technology was proposed and gateway builder based on this technology was constructed.It realized rapid construction of hetero-system-applications and reuse of hetero-system resources on the one hand; on the other hand,it promoted development efficiency,reduced costs of time and human resources and lowered demands for application explorer by screening amount of complicated coding work.
Computer Measurement &Control