
无人机海量飞行数据快速检索方法研究 被引量:8

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mass Rapid Flight Data Retrieval Method Research
摘要 对无人机数据库中海量飞行数据进行快速准确的检索,能够为无人机的安全飞行提供可靠的保障;传统的数据检索方法进行海量飞行数据检索的过程中,没有考虑飞行数据之间的联系,在检索的过程中需要频繁扫描数据库,降低了挖掘效率;提出一种基于模糊粗糙集算法的无人机海量飞行数据检索方法;该算法在充分考虑到飞行数据之间的联系的前提下,利用自动标引技术对数据库中的实时飞行数据进行分析,再利用特征向量进行飞行数据的内部描述,计算飞行数据检索的模糊表示的上、下近似集,建立海量飞行数据检索模型,根据模型的输出结果利用布尔逻辑进行模糊匹配,最终检索出与查询的关键词近似的飞行数据,并将检索结果按照相似度进行排序;实验结果表明,该算法能够提高检索的效率,效果令人满意。 For unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for quick accurate mass flight data in the database retrieval,can provide reliable guarantee for the safety of the unmanned aerial vehicle flight.Traditional data retrieval methods of mass in the process of flight data retrieval,did not consider the connection between the flight data,in the process of retrieving need frequent scanning database,reduce the mining efficiency.Put forward a kind of unmanned aerial vehicles based on fuzzy rough set algorithm massive flight data retrieval method.The algorithm in full consideration to the connection between the flight data under the premise of using the automatic indexing technology to analyze real-time flight data in the database,and recycling for flight data,the internal description of characteristic vector calculation of flight data retrieval fuzzy representation of the upper and lower approximation set,massive flight data retrieval model is set up,according to the result of the output of the model using Boolean logic to fuzzy matching,eventually used to retrieve and query keywords approximation of flight data,and the retrieval results according to the similarity sorting.The experimental results show that the algorithm can improve the efficiency of retrieval,the effect is satisfactory.
作者 徐新爱
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 北大核心 2014年第12期4181-4183,4196,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 无人机数据库 海量数据 检索模型 模糊粗糙集 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) database huge amounts of data retrieval model fuzzy rough set
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