Leaves anatomy of two species of Bouea, 11 species of Mangifera and two species of Spondias were studied in order to see the differences in stomata type, petiole, midrib and lamina anatomy and leaf venation. This study aims to use anatomical characters for species and genus identification. Common characters observed were the absence of trichomes, closed vascular bundles, uniseriate epidermal layers, resin canal in parenchyma cells, anticline wall pattems and druses crystals in leaf lamina transverse sections. All species displayed closed vascular bundles except Mangiferapajang which showed a combination of medullary vascular bundles. Uniseriate epidermal layer was observed in all species. All the species showed straight-wavy anticlinal walls. Druses crystals were found in the parenchyma cells of all the species. Four types of stomata were observed namely anomocytic, anisocytic, staurocytic and diacytic. Anomocytic, anisocytic and staurocytic stomata were observed in Mangifera, diacytic in Bouea and anomocytic in Spondias.