
含铝炸药爆炸作用下的水中圆柱壳动态响应数值研究 被引量:2

Dynamic Response of Underwater Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Blast Loads of Aluminized Explosives
摘要 为了研究圆柱壳在含铝炸药水下爆炸载荷作用下的响应规律,利用非线性动力学软件AUTODYN计算了3种不同配方含铝炸药的远场冲击波特性,并将计算值与文献实验值进行对比,计算误差能够稳定在5%以内,之后结合ABAQUS程序模拟了含铝炸药冲击载荷作用下水中圆柱壳的动态响应。在30 kg药量下分析比对了圆柱壳体加速度、速度及有效塑性应变的变化规律,随后确定了各炸药致使圆柱壳结构失稳的临界药量,并以PBXW-115为例研究了临界药量作用下的圆柱壳破坏模式。结果表明,AUTODYN与ABAQUS程序的联用,能够有效地模拟圆柱壳在含铝炸药远场冲击波作用下的动态响应;含铝炸药致使圆柱壳单元达到屈曲失效所需药量普遍低于理想炸药RDX。 [ ABSTRACT] To study the response of cylindrical shell subjected to underwater blast waves of aluminized explosives, the far-field shock wave characteristics of three different formulations aluminized explosive were calculated with nonlinear dynamics software AUTODYN. The calculated values are compared with the experimental values, and the calculation error can be stable within 5%. Combined with the finite element software ABAQUS, the dynamic response of cylindrical shell subjected to blast waves of aluminized explosives was discussed. With 30kg charge mass, the comparison and analysis were carried out with regard tothe variation of cylindrical shell acceleration, velocity and equivalent plastic strain. Subsequently the critical buckling load of several explosives was identified. With PBXW-115 as an example to contrast the ideal explo-sives RDX, the failure modes of cylindrical shells subjected to the critical loads were researched. The results show that, the combination of AUTODYN program and ABAQUS can simulate the dynamic response of cylindrical shells subjected to blast waves of aluminized explosives effectively;and the desired dose for Aluminized explosives causing cylindrical shell unit to failure strain is generally lower than the ideal explosive RDX.
出处 《爆破器材》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第6期1-5,共5页 Explosive Materials
基金 青年科学基金项目(11102091) 博士点基金(博导类)(20113219110010)
关键词 含铝炸药 数值模拟 水下爆炸 圆柱壳 动态响应 KEY WORDS] aluminized explosives numerical simulation underwater explosions cylindrical shell dynamic response
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