About three decades after the establishment of the plate tec- tonics theory in the late 1960s, Maruyama (1994) proposed the "plume tectonics" theory based on whole-mantle seismic tomogra- phy image (Fukao, 1992; Fukao et al., 1994). According to this the- ory, the earth's interior is divided into three regimes: the earth's surface region governed by lateral motions of tectonic plates, the mantle governed by vertical motions of "superplumes" (i.e., large- scale mantle upwelling/downwelling plumes), and the core, whose convection style is probably controlled by superplumes in the mantle. With the rapid progress in earth science after the birth of the plume tectonics theory, it is now widely accepted that various geological phenomena observed in the earth's surface are closely linked to the fluid motion in the deep mantle (e.g., Davies, 2011).
About three decades after the establishment of the plate tec- tonics theory in the late 1960s, Maruyama (1994) proposed the "plume tectonics" theory based on whole-mantle seismic tomogra- phy image (Fukao, 1992; Fukao et al., 1994). According to this the- ory, the earth's interior is divided into three regimes: the earth's surface region governed by lateral motions of tectonic plates, the mantle governed by vertical motions of "superplumes" (i.e., large- scale mantle upwelling/downwelling plumes), and the core, whose convection style is probably controlled by superplumes in the mantle. With the rapid progress in earth science after the birth of the plume tectonics theory, it is now widely accepted that various geological phenomena observed in the earth's surface are closely linked to the fluid motion in the deep mantle (e.g., Davies, 2011).