
Mie-Grüneisen状态方程的物理力学释义 被引量:4

A Physical Mechanics Paraphrase on Mie-Grüneisen Equation of State
摘要 通过建立一种简单的固体一维点阵定容热振动的物理力学模型,完全由力学方程推演出了Mie-Grüneisen形式的固体状态方程,并从力学本质上明确了热压力的物理意义是原子热振动时均值所造成的作用力偏载量。所得Grüneisen系数与频率的关系说明,真实三维晶体的Grüneisen系数与晶体结构相关。在简单立方晶体的情况下,获得了与Dugdale-MacDonald公式形式相同的Grüneisen系数-冷压微分关系式。研究结果证明,在状态方程构建方面,"物理力学"是一种非常有效的研究工具。 A one-dimensional model of lattice physical mechanics was built up to study the atomic ther- mal vibration in a constant volume state. According to the lattice dynamics model, An equation of state of solids which is similar to the Mie-Griineisen's,was deduced absolutely from vibration mechanics. The mechanical implication of thermal pressure was ascertained, that thermal pressure was the average value of thermal vibration force in time domain. The relationship between GriJneisen parameter and thermal vibration frequency shows that the Grtineisen parameter of a real solid corelates with its crystal structure. The differential expression between GrLineisen parameter derivated from a simple cubic crystal and cold pressure was obtained,which agrees with the D-M relation.
出处 《高压物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期227-231,共5页 Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(10872044 10902023 11272081) 教育部博士点基金(20090041110024)
关键词 物理力学 Mie-Grüneisen状态方程 原子热振动 点阵动力学 physical mechanics equation of state of Mie-Grtineisen atom thermal motion lattice dynamics
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