
中国国际身份刍议——国际横向比较视角 被引量:2

On China's International Identity
摘要 从数量上看,中国的人口、领土面积、经济总量,决定了中国是一个大国;中国的对外交往程度,贸易总额、直接投资量、国际净资本量,决定了中国是具有重要国际影响力的大国。从质量上看,政治效率、人均收入、科技水平等方面,中国已经超越多数发展中国家,一些综合指标在全球排位中居第80名左右,位于发展中国家的前列,但距离发达国家仍有相当距离。综合分析,美、欧、日等发达国家是第一世界,中、俄、印、巴西、南非、土耳其等新兴国家是第二世界,其他发展中国家是第三世界。 China's power status is decided by its population,territory and economic volume. China is also a big power with significant international influence due to its high level of international intercourses in foreign trade,FDI and net international capital. In terms of political governance,per capital income and technology level,China has overtaken most of developing countries,ranking about 80 th in the world. Although China is in the forefront of the developing countries,it is still lagging behind those developed countries. In general,the US,EU and Japan belong to the first world; China,Russia,India,Brazil,South Africa and Turkey are the second- world countries,and other developing countries belong to the third world.
作者 牛新春
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期10-16,65,共7页
关键词 中国外交 现实主义 国际政治 China's diplomacy,realism,international politics
  • 相关文献


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