
试析奥朗德对华经济外交 被引量:2

An Analysis of Hollande's Economic Diplomacy towards China
摘要 奥朗德上台后,法国将经济外交作为其对华政策的核心,寻求中法经贸关系的再平衡。奥朗德政府希望借重中国解决法国经济问题,试图通过对华经济外交增强法国在地区层面的影响力,促进与中国在全球治理上的战略合作。但奥朗德对华经济外交仍存在片面性与矛盾性的一面,为有效促进双边关系发展,中法还需在目前经贸合作的基础上,加强两国中小企业之间的合作,超越双边关系实现经贸平衡,在亚非地区问题和人民币国际化以及国际货币体系改革问题上加强合作,为国际社会提供新的合作范式。 Since Hollande came to power,France has taken economic diplomacy as the core of its China policy inorder to rebalance the bilateral economic / trade relations between the two sides. The Hollande government hopes to seek China's support to help resolve French economic problems. It is also trying to enhance French influence at regional level and to promote strategic cooperation with China in global governance. However,there still exist partiality and contradictoriness in Hollande's economic diplomacy vis- à- vis China. In order to effectively promote Sino-French relations,China and France need to further strengthen the cooperation between their small- and medium-sized enterprises and to seek to realize a rebalance of their bilateral economic and trade relations. They also need to enhance cooperation in Asian and African affairs,and in promoting the internationalization of RMB and the reformation of International Monetary System,thus providing a new cooperation paradigm for the international community.
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期24-29,51,共7页
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“未来十年中国打造战略支点国家的理论分析与策略研究”(14ZDA086) 教育部创新团队发展计划“中国参与全球经济治理机制与战略选择”(IRT1224)资助
关键词 奥朗德 经济外交 中法关系 中欧关系 全球经济治理 Hollande,economic diplomacy,Sino-French relations,global economic governance
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