

Moral Paradox and Guide of Video Game
摘要 近年来关于电子游戏的各种道德争议尤为突出:在游戏题材上,游戏中既定情节的道德暗示能对青少年道德观的形成产生正面影响,但也有着负面因素;在游戏内容上,虚拟世界中的道德选择"训练"能让玩家先行体验现实世界中的道德行为,但同时容易形成惯性选择;在游戏机制上,多人游戏机制能增进责任意识和团队协作精神,但同时也容易造成个人主义膨胀和道德标准模糊。鉴于此,应从外部和内部两方面对电子游戏玩家做出正确的道德引导,制定与执行电子游戏分级制度,加强对电子游戏题材的道德监管,从而运用合理的游戏世界观与道德观来引导青少年游戏玩家建构正确的世界观与道德观。 In recent years,various ethical controversies about the video games are particularly prominent. In respect of the game theme,the moral overtones of established game plots can produce positive effects on the young people in the formation of moral values,which are also mixed with negative factors. While in terms of the game content,the moral choice in the " training" in the virtual world can let the players perform the moral behavior in the real world first,but inertial choices are also easily formulated. With regards to the game mechanism,multi-players can enhance the sense of responsibility and team spirit,but the expansion of egoism and moral ambiguity are aroused. In view of this,we should start from both the external and internal aspects to provide the right moral guidance for the video game players. In the external aspect,video games classification system and moral regulation of video games shall be formulated and implemented,and reasonable world and moral outlooks of games shall be provided to guide the young game players to build their own world and moral ones.
作者 胥璟 李奔鸣
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第6期55-59,共5页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 电子游戏 青少年游戏玩家 道德导向 道德标准 道德监管 video games young game players moral guidance moral standard moral supervision
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