
中国油服业转型:从产业整合到治理方式现代化——三大国有石油公司油服业务管理改革探索 被引量:3

Converting China's oilfield services industry: from industrial integration to modernized corporate governance--Reform by the big-three state-owned oil companies of their oilfi eld services sectors
摘要 中国石油、中国石化、中国海油三大国有石油集团在核心业务相继上市后,先后对各自的油服业务进行了整合。中国海油领先一步实现对存续业务的优化整合和独立上市。中国石油于2008年对油服板块进行业务整合和专业化重组,形成了"5+3+1"格局,但整合后的油服板块仍然采用分级行政职能管理模式,未能确立油服公司独立人格,难以摆脱"以有限权利,承担无限责任"的局面。中国石化的改革一波三折,直到2012年6月成立中石化石油工程技术服务公司,成为国内涵盖油气勘探开发全产业链的规模最大、业务链最为完整的法人实体,并谋求加快上市发展。三大公司油服业务效益差异巨大,反映了其业务结构、议价能力及统筹机制的差异,背后折射了公司治理结构的巨大差异。中国石油和中国石化对各自油服业务整合的不同,根源或许在于母公司定位及集团顶端设计的不同。两大集团油服业务的发展转型,表层是组织结构的调整,中间是产业结构的整合,核心是治理机制的转型,即企业治理和运营理念从计划经济向市场经济转变、资源配置手段从行政权力向市场机制转变。 China's big-three state-owned oil companies, CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC, have integrated their oilfield services businesses after successively taking their core businesses public. CNOOC has been a step ahead in achieving continued integrated business optimization while independently listing shares of its oilfield services unit, as it did beginning in 2002.CNPC completed business integration and specialization of its oilfield services sector in 2008, reorganizing it under a '5+3+1' model. But the unit has since still operated under a hierarchical management model and thereby failed to establish an independent oilfield services corporate or escape the burden of having limited rights but unlimited liability. Meanwhile Sinopec's corresponding reform experienced ups and downs before Sinopec Oilfield Services Corporation(SOSC) was established as a legal entity in June 2012. SOSC provides the completest service along the entire hydrocarbon exploration and development value chain on the largest possible scale, while seeking to speed up its public listing for business expansion. Big differences in benefits accrued by the big-three oil companies' oilfield services sectors reflect differences in their business structures, influence over prices, and coordination mechanisms, and underlying wide variations in corporate governance. The difference between CNPC and Sinopec in their oilfield services integration may result from differences in the parent companies' orientation and their groups' top-level designs. These top-two oil groups' oil services business development and conversion models consist of organizational-structure adjustment as the outer layer, industrial-structure integration as the inner layer, and governance-mechanism conversion as the core, i.e. embodied in the concept of converting corporate governance and operations from a planned economy to a market economy, and resource allocation from determination by administrative authority to determination by market mechanisms.
作者 吴思卫
出处 《国际石油经济》 2014年第9期11-16,109-110,共6页 International Petroleum Economics
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