
2014年四川省精神卫生服务机构、床位及精神科执业医师现状分析 被引量:13

Analysis of present condition of mental health organizations,their bed sources and psychiatrists of Sichuan Province in 2014
摘要 目的了解四川省精神卫生机构和床位资源,以及精神科执业医师(含助理)分布情况。方法本调查由四川省精神卫生中心于2014年7月组织实施完成。首先编制"四川省精神卫生服务的机构调查表",下发各市州卫生局/精防机构填报;再编制"机构信息补充表"下发给被填报的相关机构人员填写;最后对全省开展精神卫生服务的机构,精神科核定床位及精神科执业医师(含助理)人数进行描述性分析。结果全省开展精神卫生临床服务的机构共138家,其中58.70%为专科医院,84.06%隶属于卫生系统。全省21个市州中阿坝藏族羌族自治州和甘孜藏族自治州尚无开展精神卫生服务的机构。全省181个区县中,50.83%的区县无精神卫生服务机构。全省编制床位19078张,每万人口编制床位2.37张;实际开放床位30241张,每万人实际开放3.76张。全省精神科执业医师(含助理)1756人,每10万人口2.18名精神科执业医师(含助理)。结论四川省各市州间精神卫生服务资源分布不合理。 Objective To make known the mental health organizations in Sichuan Province,their bed resources and the distribu-tion of psychiatrists( including the assistants). Methods The implementation of this survey was organized and completed by the Men-tal Health Center in Sichuan Province. At first,we drawed up investigation forms on the information of mental health organs in Sichuan Province and distributed them to the health bureaus or psychosis prevention centers in all cities( prefectures). Secondly,we drawed up the supplementary questionnaires and distributed them to the relevant persons to fill in. At last,we described and analyzed the present condition of mental health organizations in the Sichuan Province,their bed sources and the distribution of psychiatrists( including the assistants). Results 138 organizations engage in the psychosis clinical therapy,among which 58. 70% were specialized hospitals, 84. 06% belong to the health system. In all the 21 cities and prefectures of the entire province,mental health organizations had not been established in Aba Prefecture and Ganzi Prefecture yet. In all the 181 counties and districts of the entire province,50. 83% of them had no mental health organizations. In Sichuan Province,19078 beds in these organizations were recorded,that is to say,each 10000 people own 2. 37 beds. And 30241 beds were actually open to the public,that is to say,3. 76 beds were actually available for each 10000 people. There were 1756 psychiatrists( including the assistants)in Sichuan Province. In other words,there were only 2. 18 psychiatrists in every 100000 people. Conclusion In Sichuan Province among the cities and prefectures there existed such a problem as the irrational distribution of mental health service resources.
出处 《四川精神卫生》 2014年第6期486-489,共4页 Sichuan Mental Health
关键词 精神卫生服务机构 床位 执业医师 现况调查 Mental health organizations Bed sources Psychiatrists Investigation into the present condition
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