
中国非常规天然气资源分布及开发现状 被引量:70

Analysis of unconventional gas resources distribution and development status in China
摘要 中国天然气资源丰富,储量和产量增长潜力巨大.在未来的5-10 a,常规天然气仍在天然气开发中处于统治地位,但非常规天然气也在天然气长期发展历程中起着越来越重要的作用.目前中国非常规油气的勘探开发仍处于起步阶段,国土资源部及3大国有石油公司已经在不同程度上针对致密气、煤层气和页岩气等非常规天然气进行了资源评价.评价结果显示:2012年中国致密气总资源量为16×10^12 m^3,年产量为320×10^8 m^3/a,已进入大型商业化开发阶段;截至2011年12月底,中国煤层气累积探明地质储量为4 155×10^8 m^3,储量和产量均较少,正处在工业化和商业化开发的早期阶段;页岩气因为没有探明储量,现处于初步探索阶段,相关机构及组织对中国页岩气资源进行了初步评价,并在四川建立了页岩气示范区开展实践研究;天然气水合物同样受到了很大重视,已经根据不同勘探程度,分层次对南海和青藏高原天然气水合物资源进行勘查.为有效开发中国非常规天然气资源,必须进-步深入地质理论研究和资源储量评估,集成系列的配套工程技术,并对工程技术进行试验和示范,使资源开发与环境保护的矛盾得以妥善解决. There is abundant natural gas resource in China with huge reserves and increasing production potential. In the next 5-10 years,conventional gas will be still in the dominant place of gas development. However,unconventional gas will play a more and more important role in the long-term process of natural gas development. At present,the exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas is still at the starting stage in China. Ministry of Land and Resources and three Chinese state-owned oil companies have already started to make evaluations on unconventional gas resource of tight gas,CBM and shale gas in varying degrees. In 2012,the total Chinese tight gas resource proven reserves were 16×1012m3,and the production was 320×108m3/a. Tight gas development had entered the development stage of large commercialization. By the end of December 2011,CBM proven reserves were about 4 155×108m3. The less reserves and production showed CBM was still in its early stage of industrialization and commercialization. Shale gas exploration is still at its initial stage since it has no proven reserves. Some research institutions have only evaluated shale gas initially in some areas and established demonstration areas in Sichuan to carry out practice research. Natural gas hydrates have also been paid more attention. Thenatural gas hydrates developing in South China Sea and the Qinghai-Tibet plateau have been prospected hierarchically according to different exploration degrees. In order to develop unconventional gas resources effectively,it is particularly important to carry out geological theory research and reserves assessment,integrate a series of engineering techniques which have been tested and demonstrated to solve properly the contradiction created between resource exploitation and environmental protection at the same time.
出处 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期26-31,共6页 Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency
基金 国家科技重大专项"页岩气勘探开发关键技术研究项目"(2011ZX05018) 国家"973"计划"中国南方海相页岩气高效开发的基础研究"(2013CB228000)
关键词 非常规天然气 致密气 煤层气 页岩气 天然气水合物 资源量 储量 开发现状 unconventional gas tight gas coal bed methane shale gas natural gas hydrate gas resources reserve development status
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