
μ波抑制的界定、功能及其应用——揭示镜像神经元活动的机制和意义 被引量:2

Definition,Function and Application of μ Suppression——To Reveal the Mechanism and Significance of Mirror Neuron System
摘要 近年来人们十分热衷对镜像神经元系统的研究,最新研究趋势是探究μ节律与镜像神经元系统活动功能的关联,文章从四个方面阐述了μ波抑制是代表高级神经活动标记的重要指标。文章首先介绍了μ波抑制机理,强调了μ波抑制功能概念的飞跃,综述了μ波抑制在三个方面(动作、语言认知、以及高级社会功能)作为镜像神经元活动的证据,最后总结与展望μ波抑制对心理与行为困难的矫正的应用。 In recent years, researchers are very keen on studies of mirror neuron system. The latest trend of research is to explore the association between the IX rhythm and the function of the mirror neuron system activities. The paper claims for the argument that μ rhythm is a crucial indicator of higher-level neural system activities. It first intro- duces the definition of μ suppression in contrast to the alpha rhythm, emphasizes the functional concept of μ sup- pression, reviews the major evidence of μ suppression as signposts of mirror neuron system activities in three as- pects ( i. e., action, language cognition, and advanced social function), finally pinpoints its application of adopting tx suppression training and intervention to deal with behavioral and psychological disabilities.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2014年第5期701-706,共6页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 北京科技大学业研究型数学示范课程(KC2014YJXSS)的阶段性成果
关键词 μ波抑制 镜像神经元 行为与心理 高级的社会功能 训练与矫治 μ suppression, mirror neuron, behavior and psychology, advanced social functions, training and in- tervention.
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