
彩色热阻/热反射涂层材料性能研究 被引量:5

Study on the Performance of Color Thermal Resistance / Heat Reflection Coating Materials
摘要 沥青路面对太阳辐照的吸收率通常可达到90%-95%,沥青混凝土路面的高温加剧了城市的"热岛效应",造成沥青混凝土的承载能力下降,致使沥青混凝土路面出现严重的车辙病害。重点介绍了一种在沥青路面上涂敷3-5mm的热阻/热反射涂层技术,反射和阻止太阳光,降低沥青路面表面温度,达到防治"热岛效应"和车辙病害的目的,并详细介绍了运用TRIZ理论提出解决问题的思路和方法。 As the adsorption rate of solar irradiation by the asphalt pavement generally can be up to 90%- 95%,the high temperature of asphalt concrete pavement aggravates the heat island effect of city,thus leading to the decrease of the carrying capacity of asphalt concrete and serious rutting of asphalt concrete pavement. In this paper,a 3 - 5mm thermal resistance / heat reflection coating technology on the asphalt pavement is mainly introduced, which can reflect and prevent the sunlight to reduce the surface temperature of asphalt pavement,so as to prevent the heat island effect and rutting. In addition,the thinking and method are introduced to solve the problem by using TRIZ theory in this paper.
出处 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第23期96-100,共5页 Construction Technology
基金 城乡和住房建设部科技计划项目(2012-K5-2) 山东省住房和城乡建设厅科技计划项目(2012YK063) 济南市科技计划项目(201201141)
关键词 公路工程 沥青混凝土路面 热阻 性能 road construction asphalt concrete pavements thermal resistance performance
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