目的 建立一种以合成肽为抗原的胶体金免疫层析纸条用于检测流行性出血热患者血清中特异性的 Ig M,Ig G,Ig A.方法 采用戊二醛偶联 8肽到 BSA上 ,用柠檬酸三钠还原法制备胶体金颗粒 ,标记偶联 8肽 ,组装成免疫层析试纸条 .结果 胶体金 - 8肽免疫层析纸条和流行性出血热患者血清中 Ig M,Ig G,Ig A,出现特异性反应 ,正常人血清未出现阳性反应 ,和荧光免疫检测结果比较 Ig M符合率为 10 0 % ,Ig A为 89% ,Ig G为 79% .结论 以肽作抗原方便无污染特异性高制作的免疫层析纸条灵敏度高 ,简便快速 ,同时可检测Ig M,Ig G,Ig A,无须特殊设备 ,有广泛应用前景 .
AIM To develop colloidal gold immunochromatography assay paper with synthesizing peptides as antigen used to assay specific IgM, IgA, IgG of HFRS patients in sera. METHODS Eight residual peptides were coupled with BSA using glutaraldehyde. Colloidal gold was prepared with reducing reaction of sodium citrate, and was labeled coupling 8 residual peptides, was assembled immunochromatography assay papers. RESULTS Colloidal gold peptides immunochromatography assay papers could detect the specific serum IgM, IgA, IgG of HFRS, and did not detect any reac tions in normal sera. The results were highly corresponding with the fluorescent immunosassay. Coresponding with IgM is 100%, IgA is 89%, IgG is 79% respenctively. CONCLUSION The antigens using peptides have advantages of convenience, noncontamination, high specificity. The immunochromatography assay papers with the 8 residual peptides is a sensitive, simple and rapid method, may synchronously detect the IgM, IgG, IgA in HFRS sera.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University