目的识别和分析建设项目可能产生的职业病危害因素及危害程度,确定职业病危害类别,论证建设项目职业病防治方面的可行性,保护劳动者健康。方法结合建设项目职业病危害因素的特点,采用类比调查检测和检查表分析、经验法等方法进行分析,对危害因素种类、危害程度及拟采取的职业病危害措施进行评价。结果该项目类比企业制水配酸、涂板、充电岗位硫酸CTWA均超过限值1 mg/m3,污水处理岗位硫酸CTWA及CSTEL超过限值1mg/m3及2 mg/m3,铸板栅0.077 mg/m3铅烟浓度超过限值0.03 mg/m3,分刷片、和膏、包片岗位铅尘CTWA均超过限值0.05 mg/m3。铸板栅、涂板、和膏、制粉岗位噪声超过限值85 d B。该项目存在的主要职业病危害因素化学毒物为铅尘(烟)、硫酸,物理因素为噪声、高温。结论经工程分析与类比检测数据认为本项目主要职业病危害因素是铅尘(烟)、硫酸、噪声、高温。本项目为职业病危害严重的建设项目。
Objective To identify and analyze the occupational hazards and level, ensure the sort of occupational hazards, and discuss the feasibility to prevent and cure the occupational diseases in order to protect the workers' health. Methods The methods of comprehensive analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis were applied based on the characteris- tic of occupational diseases. Results The analogy corporation CrwA of sulfuric acid exceeded 1 mg/m3 in the preparation acid position, coating board position, and charging position, both C_TWA and C_STEL of sulfuric exceeded 1 mg/m3 and 2 mg/ m3. The concentration of lead fume in the casting board position was 0. 077 mg./m3 , exceeding the allowable limits of nation- al standards at 0. 03 mg/m3. And the concentrations of C_TWA of lead dust in slicing and brushing position, mixing plaster position and bundling position exceeded the allowable limits of national standards at 0. 05 mg/m3. The noise intensities in the position of casting, coating, nfixing plaster and making dust exceeded 85 dB, which was the allowable limit of national standards. The important occupational hazards were lead, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, noise and high -tempera- ture. Conclusion The important occupational risk factors are lead, sulfuric acid, noise and high - temperature. The pro- jeer is serious occupational hazards project.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Occupational hazards
Pre - evaluation
Lead - acid accumulator