
美国高等教育少数族裔优惠政策中的大学录取标准述评 被引量:3

Admission Criterion of Affirmative Action in Higher Education in the United States
摘要 为了增加少数族裔学生的数量,构建多样化的学生群体,美国大学在政府的倡导下开始推行优惠政策。部分大学以种族倾向的录取标准给少数族裔学生获取大学录取机会提供了特别优待,此种优待被最高法院判决违反宪法平等保护条款,予以禁止。此后,各大学先后尝试了种族作为附加因素的录取标准及种族中立的录取标准,公众对于这两种录取标准褒贬不一。种族因素在美国大学录取标准中的演进,一方面推动了大学录取标准向稳定、多元、公平的方向发展,以保障大学录取名额的合理分配;另一方面,又促使大学不断反思、调整其录取标准,以平衡不同群体的利益,达到公共善的大学使命。 In order to increase the number of minority college students and build a diverse student body, American universities adopted affirmative action according to the federal gov- ernment's propose. Some universities adopted race-conscious admission criterion, such as quota. However, these admission criteria were forbidden by the Supreme Court since it vio- lated the equal protection clause. After that, some universities used race as a potential plus factor during the admission;some universities adopted race-neutral alternatives instead of affirmative action. The public had different evaluations of these admission criteria. During the evolution of the admission criterion, race, as one of admission factors, played different roles in various background. Race promoted the shift of admission criterion and ensured the fairness of admission opportunities" distribution. Furthermore, during these processes, uni- versities were able to balance the benefits of different groups, fulfill universities" mission, and achieve the public good.
作者 刘晓玲 陈欣
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期42-55,共14页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 高等教育 少数族裔 大学录取标准 教育公平 the United States higher education minority students college admission criteria educational equality
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