
基于中等教育与高等教育衔接的英国大学招生考试制度探析 被引量:6

A Study on British University Admission Examination from Articulation of Higher Education and Secondary Education
摘要 中等教育和高等教育衔接是一个重要的现实性难题,而大学招生考试制度是高等教育和中等教育衔接中的重要一环。英国的普通教育证书高级水平考试(GCE A-Level)力图通过"上构型"衔接设计,注重学术性知识体系、专业预修及专业指导,拓展项目研究等,使得学生在中等教育阶段提前了解大学学习的特点,奠定学生大学学术学习的知识基础和科学研究能力;通过"下延型"的衔接设计,资格考试授予机构与大学协商互动,组建学科委员会参与A级考试制度的设计,管理机构搭建供需协同交流平台,把高等教育的意愿和需求整合到招生考试中,从而确保人才选拔符合高等教育的需求。同时英国大学招生考试制度的"中高衔接"设计仍存在应试取向、内部评价舞弊、过度考试以及期望冲突的矛盾等问题,应该注意与警惕。 The articulation of secondary education and higher education is a stubborn prob- lem and the university admission examination is an important part which plays a critical role in improving the relationship between higher education and secondary education. The GCE-A level in Britain focusing on academic knowledge and comprehensive academic re- search skills allows students to experience and understand the paradigm of study in univer- sity in advance when they study in secondary education. On the other side, awarding boards cooperate with HEIs and invite the latter to be involved in the design of a-level examina- tion qualification examination. The government builds a collaborative communication plat- form which integrates the wishes and needs of higher education into GCE-A level to ensure that personnel selection to meet the needs of higher education. However, it is not a perfect model because British university admission examination has some disadvantage such as "teaching to test" internal evaluation fraud, over-resits & study exhaustion, and excessive conflict between secondary education and HEIs. We should pay vigilant attention to these drawbacks.
作者 苗学杰
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期56-66,共11页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中等教育与高等教育衔接的国际比较研究"(项目批准号:12JJD880010) 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2014年度教育部青年项目"英国大学招生考试‘一年多考’制度体系研究"(项目编号:EDA140346)
关键词 英国 大学 招生考试制度 中等教育 高等教育 衔接 Britain university university admission examination secondary education higher education articulation
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