
加拿大高等教育入学政策新动向——基于中等教育与高等教育衔接的视角 被引量:1

New Trend of Post-secondary Education Access Policy in Canada——From the Perspective of Secondary Education and Post-secondary Education Articulation
摘要 高中阶段被喻为"人生岔道口",它与高等教育的衔接备受关注。进入21世纪,加拿大在实现高等教育普及化之后确立了进一步扩大高等教育参与的目标,即"确保所有具有接受高等教育意愿并具备入学资格的学生在高等教育入学过程中不受任何因素的阻碍"。这一目标的确立促使改进高等教育入学成为加强中等教育与高等教育衔接的重要着力点。为此,分析哪些群体在高等教育入学中处于不利地位,致使这些群体处于不利地位的制约因素是什么,如何采取措施加以应对等,成为新世纪加拿大完善高等教育入学、加强高等教育与中等教育衔接的重要切入点。 High school is often called "the crossroads of life", and its articulation with post- secondary education (PSE) is a matter of great concern. In the new century, after entering the stage of universal higher education, Canada set a new target to further expand access to PSE, which is to ensure that there are no barriers that prevent interested and qualified indi- viduals from attending PSE. The new target makes the improvement of PSE access to be the center of the efforts in strengthening the articulation between secondary and higher educa- tion. Therefore, it has become an important point of penetration in improving PSE access and promoting the articulation between secondary and higher education for Canada to iden- tify the vulnerable groups in PSE enrollment, and analyze the vulnerable groups' access barriers, and take countermeasures toward the matter.
作者 张晓莉
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期67-76,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中等教育与高等教育衔接的国际比较研究"(项目批准号:12JJD880010)
关键词 加拿大 中等教育 高等教育 教育衔接 入学 Canada Secondary Education Post-secondary Education Education Articulation Access
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