
痴呆的中医病名探析 被引量:22

Discussion on the Names of Dementia in Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要 通过对古医籍中"痴呆"和"健忘"症状描述和病机的分析,揭示痴呆中医病名的演变和发展,认为中医"痴呆"和"健忘"病名内涵广泛,包括了现代医学轻度认知障碍、痴呆轻症和痴呆中重症合并精神障碍者。将中医"健忘"作为轻度认知障碍和痴呆早期阶段的中医病名,有利于推动中医药在轻度认知障碍病因病机及治疗方面的研究,提高中医药防治痴呆的疗效。 By analyzing the symptom descriptions and pathogenesis of ‘dementia'and ‘forgetfulness' in ancient medical books,this article reveals the evolvement and development of the name of dementia in traditional Chinese medicine( TCM). We think the name of‘dementia'and‘forgetfulness' in TCM had a broader meaning,which covered mild cognitive disorder,mild dementia,and moderately to severe dementia with mental disorders in modern medical perception. Naming ‘forgetfulness' as a TCM's term for mild cognitive disorder and early stage of dementia will benefit TCM research in etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of mild cognitive disorder,and improve the efficacy of TCM dementia prevention and treatment.
出处 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第24期2078-2080,共3页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2010092) 江苏省六大人才高峰项目资助(2013WS-034)
关键词 痴呆 健忘 轻度认知障碍 dementia forgetfulness mild cognitive disorder
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