

Anti-terrorism Operation of Israel and Its Inspiration to Chinese Anti-terrorism Cause
摘要 以色列在长期阿以冲突中积累了丰富的军事斗争经验,其中的"先发制人"作战思想帮助以色列取得了巨大的军事胜利。面对严峻的安全形势,对恐怖威胁采取"先发制人"的打击逐渐成为以色列反恐维安的主要策略。本文从内涵解读,发展演进、实施动因三个维度对"先发制人"思想指导下的以色列反恐打击策略进行剖析,力图发现其产生、发展和实践的理论与现实依据。本文针对中国当下"反恐国情",希望从中探索有益于我国"反恐事业"的积极经验。 Israel has accumulated rich experience in long-term military struggles in the Arab-Israeli conflict, the ideas of "preemptive tactics" in military has helped Israel to gain great military victory. In the face of the grim security situation, the "preemptive tactics", attacking to terrorism threat, has gradually become the main tactics of Israeli anti-terrorism. This article will analyze the "preemptive tactics" of Israel from three dimensions including connotation, evolution and im- plementation motivation, trying to find its emergence, development and practice of the theory and its reality basis. At the same time, it will study present "anti-terrorism situation" of China and explore the benefits for Chinese cause of anti-ter- rorism from Israeli experience.
作者 芦鹏 李志芬
出处 《科学.经济.社会》 2014年第2期95-98,共4页 Science Economy Society
基金 2011年度国家社科基金项目"以色列民族构建研究"阶段性成果之一(项目编号:11CSS005)
关键词 以色列 先发制人 反恐打击 中国 Israel Preemptive Tactics Anti-terrorism China
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