
国外建议行为研究述评 被引量:12

A review of studies on advising abroad
摘要 本文首先回顾了国外文献中关于建议行为本质特征的论述、建议行为语言实现方式及策略的研究,呈现了建议中的交际者权势、身份及社会距离等影响因素,归纳了语际语用学和跨文化语用学中的建议行为研究以及机构性互动中的建议研究的主要内容、研究方法及路径等。最后,对现有国外建议行为研究进行了简要评价,并针对其不足提出了建议,说明了建议行为研究的发展方向。 This paper aims to depict a full picture of the studies on advising conducted by researchers abroad by reviewing some essential characteristics of advising and some studies on the linguistic realization strategies of advising,presenting the variables related to advising such as power relation,identity and social distance,and summarizing the main contents discussed by and the methods adopted by the previous studies on advising in interlanguage pragmatics and cross-cultural pragmatics and in institutional interactions. Finally,this paper arrives at some issues for the future research to deal with by discussing the contributions and limitations of the previous studies.
作者 任育新
出处 《外语教学理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期49-54,82,共7页 Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(项目编号:12YJC740047)资助
关键词 建议 建议策略 建议序列结构 advising strategies for advising advising sequence
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