
泡沫金属的微惯性效应和动态塑性泊松比 被引量:7

Micro-inertia effect and dynamic plastic Poisson's ratio of metallic foams under compression
摘要 采用三维Voronoi技术和显式有限元方法来研究闭孔和开孔两种泡沫金属的动态塑性泊松比问题和微惯性效应。细观数值模拟的结果表明:塑性泊松比随着轴向应变的增加而下降,塑性泊松比的峰值随着冲击速度的增加而下降;相对密度增加时,泡沫金属塑性泊松比增加;微惯性对平台应力的影响不大。该数值模拟结果能够解释侧向约束情况下闭孔泡沫金属的压溃应力随着加载速率的提高而下降的实验现象。 The three-dimensional Voronoi technique and the explicit finite element method were uti- lized to investigate the micro-inertia effect and dynamic plastic Poisson^s ratio of closed-cell and open- cell metallic foams. The simulation results indicate that the plastic Poisson's ratio decrease with in- creasing nominal strain, the peak value of which decreases as the impact velocity increases. And the Poisson^s ratio increases with the increasing of relative density. The micro-inertia plays little role in enhancing the plateau stress of metallic foams. The above simulation results can explain the existent experimental phenomenon that the crushing stress decreases with increasing loading rates, which is endured by the closed-cell aluminum foam under lateral constraint.
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期601-607,共7页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(90916026 11002140 11372308)~~
关键词 固体力学 微惯性效应 三维Voronoi技术 泡沫金属 闭孔 开孔 泊松比 轴向应变 压溃应力 加载速率 solid mechanics micro-inertia effect three-dimensional Voronoi technique metallicfoam closed-cell open-cell Poisson^s ratio longitudinal strain crushing stress loading rate
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