
一种物联网密钥管理和认证方案 被引量:4

A New Scheme of Key Management and Authentication for IOT
摘要 针对物联网环境中不同网络间交互所带来的数据隐私和认证等安全问题,本文提出一种密钥管理和认证签名方案,并进行性能和安全性分析,以证明方案能满足物联网低资源、高交互率、高移动率、低数据量环境下通信安全性要求。通过研究基于身份认证的密钥协商方案,加入三方认证模式,实现密钥身份认证。仿真实验结果验证了方案的有效性。 The paper notes a new scheme of key management and authentication for IOT to solve the security issues , like the date privacy during the communication and the authentication question .Through the program and protocol performance and security a-nalysis, the results show that the scheme can better meet low resource , high interaction rates, high mobility, low data volume en-vironments and the communication protocol security requirements .Through research-based public key authentication key agree-ment protocol , the scheme adds a tripartite authentication mode to achieve a valid key authentication .
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第12期91-96,112,共7页 Computer and Modernization
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272419)
关键词 通信安全 物联网 密钥管理 身份认证 communications security IOT key management authentication
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