目的:研究替比夫定治疗慢性乙型肝炎患者对肾脏功能的影响。方法回顾性分析替比夫定治疗42例慢性乙型肝炎患者,比较治疗96周前后血清肌酐( CR),估算肾小球滤过率( eGFR)较基线的变化情况及eGFR≥90ml/(min·1.73m2)患者的比例。结果96周各随访点,患者 CR、eGFR 差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。96周时,患者CR、eGFR较基线变化平均值为-1.6μmol/L、4.4ml/(min·1.73m2)。基线肾功能轻度受损[eGFR60~90 ml/(min·1.73m2)]的患者中,38.1%(8/21)患者上升至〉90ml/(min·1.73m2),治疗96周时eGFR较基线差异有显著性(P=0.04)。 eGFR≥90ml/(min·1.73m2)患者比例由基线的50%升至96周的59.5%(P=0.381)。结论对于基线肾功能受损的患者[eGFR 60~90 ml/(min·1.73m2)],使用替比夫定抗病毒治疗,其肾功能可得到一定程度的改善。
Objective To evaluate the influence of telbivudine ( L-DT) on the renal function of patients with chronic hepatitis B ( CHB) . Method This retrospective analysis involved 42 patients with CHB receiving telbivudine mono-therapy for 96 weeks. Serum creatinine, estimates of glomerular filtration rate ( eGFR) , and the percentage of pa-tients with eGFR≥90 ml/(min·1. 73m2) at week 96 were compared with the baseline data. Result There were no significant differences in CR and eGFR during the 96-week follow-ups, respectively. The mean change of CR and eGFRatweek96frombaselinewere -1.6μmol/Land4.4ml/(min·1.73m2),respectively.Thirtyeightpercent (8/21) of the patients with baseline eGFR 60~90 ml/(min·1. 73m2) shifted to eGFR≥90 ml/(min·1. 73m2) after 96 weeks of L-DT treatment, and eGFR at week 96 increased significantly than the baseline(P=0. 04). The proportion of patients with eGFR≥90 ml/(min·1. 73m2) in L-DT group increased from 50% (21/42) at baseline to 59. 5% (25/42) at week 96. Conclusion L-DT treatment has good impact on renal function of CHB patients with mild renal dysfunction[eGFR60~90 ml/(min·1. 73m2)].
Chinese Journal For Clinicians
Chronic hepatitis B
Renal function
Estimates of glomerular filtration rate