
比较行星学研究进展--第三届地球系统科学大会比较行星学分会场综述 被引量:1

Recent Progresses in Comparative Planetology——Summary of the Session of Comparative Planetology at the 3^(rd) Conference of Earth System Sciences
摘要 比较行星学是一门由天文学和地球科学交叉形成的学科。比较行星学以地球作为参照物,研究行星及其卫星的大气物理、化学和动力性质、表面特征、内部化学组分和构造、磁场性质、气候环境以及生命存在可能性。虽然比较行星学在我国还没有形成独立和完善的学科体系,但参加比较行星学分会场的人数远超预期,说明人们对这一新兴学科有强烈兴趣。提交的论文大致可分为3个部分:太阳系行星、太阳系外行星和月球探测。来自海内外的学者展示了他们最新的研究成果。 Comparative planetology is an interdisciplinary science between Earth sciences and astronomy. It studies physical, chemical and dynamical properties of planets and satellites and their surface characteristics, inte- rior structures and chemistry, magnetic field, climate and possible existence of life. Although the study of compara- tive planetary science is at its infancy stage in China, it is very encouraging to see that 25 papers were received by the session, which is much more than what we expected. It indicates that more and more scientists are interested in this research field. These papers can be classified into three categories: solar planets, extra-solar planets, and moon explorations. Scientists from both China and oversea reported their recent results.
出处 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1298-1302,共5页 Advances in Earth Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“新元古代冰雪地球融化后的气候”(编号:41375072)和“早期地球大气的甲烷、氨、有机气溶胶与暗弱太阳问题”(编号:41175039)资助
关键词 比较行星学 行星科学 天文学 地球科学 大气科学 Comparative planetology Planetary science Astronomy Earth science Atmospheric science.
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