

Mechanical Properties and Biological Evaluation of Buffalo Horn Material
摘要 本文对水牛角角蛋白材料的力学性能与生物学评价进行了实验研究。通过单轴拉伸和微米压痕测试方法,探讨取样位置对水牛角材料力学性能的影响,通过元素分析,研究水牛角材料不同部位的元素含量的变化,并采用扫描电子显微镜观察水牛角材料拉伸断裂面的微观结构。此外,通过溶血实验、红细胞形态观察、血液血小板和红细胞计数以及小鼠植入实验,对水牛角材料进行了初步的生物学评价。研究结果表明:水牛角材料具有良好的力学性能,沿着水牛角的生长方向,其各项力学特性值逐渐增大,这与水牛角不同部位的C、N、S含量及其微观结构有密切关系;此外,水牛角材料无毒性,不引起溶血反应,对红细胞具有良好的亲和性以及组织相容性,但水牛角材料可引起血液血小板的黏附、聚集,且并没有继续诱导引发大量血小板聚集而导致血液凝固,具有良好的血液相容性。 Mechanical properties and biological evaluation of buffalo horn material were examined in this study. The effects of sampling position of buffalo horn on mechanical properties were investigated with uniaxial tension and mi- cron indentation tests. Meanwhile, the variation of element contents in different parts of buffalo horn was determined with elemental analysis, and the microstructure of the horn was measured with scanning electron microscopy. In ad- dition, biological evaluation of buffalo horn was studied with hemolytic test, erythrocyte morphology, platelet and e- rythrocyte count, and implantation into mouse. Results showed that the buffalo horn had good mechanical properties and mechanical characteristic values of it gradually increased along with the growth direction of the horn, which may be closely related to its microstructure and element content of C, N, and S in different parts of the buffalo horn. On the other hand, because the buffalo horn does not have toxicity, it therefore does not cause hemolysis of erythrocyte and has a good affinity with it. Buffalo horn has good histocompatibility but meanwhile it may induce the platelet ad- hesion and aggregation. Even so, it does not continue to rise to induce a large number of platelet to aggregate with resulting blood clotting. Therefore, the buffalo horn material has been proved to possess good blood compatibility ac- cording to the preliminary evaluation.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1298-1304,共7页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20976068/B060805) 广东省科技厅科技计划项目
关键词 水牛角材料 力学性能 微观结构 生物学评价 buffalo horn material mechanical property mierostructure biological evaluation
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