
天津市产科医师对产后避孕的认知及态度 被引量:7

Cognition and attitude of postpartum contraception among obstetricians in Tianjin area
摘要 目的 通过分析产科医师有关产后避孕知识-态度-行为(KAP)问卷的调查结果,了解其对产后避孕知识的掌握情况、相关观念与态度以及影响因素.方法 2013年10月至12月,对天津市10家不同级别医院的209例产科医师进行问卷调查.结果 产科医师产后避孕知识的平均得分为(34.8±13.5)分,总正确率为34.8%; 60分及以上者占2.9%(6/209).86.6%(181/209)的产科医师认为有必要在孕期开展产后避孕的宣教指导,97.6% (204/209)认为有必要对产科医师进行产后避孕培训.92.8%(194/209)和94.2%(197/209)的产科医师分别在出院前和产后返诊时向大多数产后妇女告知了应注意避孕,但未讨论具体的避孕方法.产科医师获得避孕知识相关进展的途径主要是通过日常的医疗工作(92.8%,194/209),其希望通过继续教育课程(77.5%,162/209)、学术会议相关专题讲座(72.2%,151/209)、专题培训(67.5%,141/209)进行产后避孕知识培训.结论 (1)产科医师产后避孕知识严重缺乏.(2)产科医师对产后避孕知识宣教持积极态度.(3)产后避孕宣教指导时间仅局限于出院前和产后返诊,内容仅告知应注意避孕,未讨论具体的避孕方法.(4)探讨开展产后避孕情况不理想的原因为,宣传和重视不够,产科医师未及时更新避孕知识,对各种高效、长效、可逆避孕方法认识不足,过分夸大其副反应及并发症. Objective Through analysed the questionnaire about postpartum contraception knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) among obstetricians, to understand the postpartum contraceptive knowledge, idea, attitude and related factors among obstetricians. Methods From October 2013 to December 2013, 209 obstetricians of 10 different levels of the hospital of Tianjin area had been enrolled in this study, and KAP questionnaire was investigated. Results The knowledge of postpartum contraception among obstetricians was seriously lack, the total correct rate was 34.8%, the lowest score was 5 points, the highest was 80 points, the average score was 34.8~ 13.5, more than 60 points accounted for only 2.9% (6/ 209). 86.6% (181/209) obstetricians have thought it necessary to carry out postpartum contraceptive propaganda during pregnancy, and 97.6% (204/209) obstetricians have thought it necessary to develop postpartum contraception training. 92.8% (194/209) and 94.2% (197/209) obstetricians always informed that pay attention to contraception before discharge and postpartum visit, specific methods were not discussed. Obstetricians obtained relevant progress of contraceptive knowledge mainly through the daily medical work (92.8%, 194/209), hoped that approach postpartum contraception related knowlege through continuing education courses (77.5%, 162/209), special lectures in academic conference (72.2%, 151/209) and special training (67.5%, 141/209). Conclusions (1) The postpartum contraception knowledge among obstetricians is seriously lack. (2) The obstetricians hold positive attitude towards the propaganda for postpartum contraceptive knowledge. (3) Postpartum contraception related education only provided before discharging and postpartum visit, and the content was simply inform that pay attention to contraception, specific methods are not discussed. (4) To explore the reason why postpartum contraception situation is not ideal, that's because insufficient attention and propaganda, obstetricians don't update the contraception knowledge, and be lack of knowledge on the efficient, long-acting reversible contraception methods, exaggerated the side effects and complications.
出处 《中华妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期842-846,共5页 Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 产后期 避孕 妊娠 意外 健康知识 态度 实践 健康教育 Postpartum peroid Contraception Pregnancy, unplanned Health knowledge, attitudes, practice Health education
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