目的探讨阿尔茨海默病(AD)临床前期患者感觉门控P50的变化特征。方法采用配对听觉条件(S1)、测试(S2)刺激范式,对32例AD临床前期轻度认知障碍(MCI)患者进行听觉诱发电位P50检测,测量P50的潜伏期、波幅,并与28例健康被试进行比较。结果 1与对照组相比,MCI组S1-P50,S2-P50潜伏期延迟,差异有统计学意义(t=-3.06,-2.62;P<0.05);2与对照组相比,MCI组S1-P50波幅降低,差异有统计学意义(t=5.27,P<0.05);S2-P50波幅差异无统计学意义(t=1.58,P>0.05);3与对照组相比,患者组S2/S1波幅比值升高,差异有统计学意义(t=-2.69,P<0.05)。结论 AD临床前期MCI患者感觉门控抑制能力有缺陷,提示P50受损指标可能为MCI患者神经病理机制进程或MCI患者向AD转化的一个潜在生物学标记。
Objective To explore the change characteristics on the P50 auditory sensory gating potential of patients with Alzheimer's disease( AD) in preclinical phase. Methods P50 was measured by using paired clicks auditory condition / testing stimulating paradigm when 32 MCI patients were tested by event- related potentials system,and measuring the latency and amplitude of P50. We compared with the results of 28 healthy subjects. Results 1 Compared with the control group,the S1- P50 latencies and S2- P50 latencies were significantly longer in the MCI patient group( t = 3. 06,2. 62; P 0. 05). 2 Compared with the control group,the amplitude of S1- P50 was significantly lower( t = 5. 27,P 0. 05),and the amplitude of S2- P50 was no significant difference in the patient group. 3Compared with the control group,the amplitude ratio of S2 / S1 was significantly higher( t = 2. 69,P 0. 05) in the patient group. Conclusion MCI patients,the assumed preclinical phase of AD,present defect on the inhibiting ability of auditory sensory gating potential. Which suggests that P50 damaged indicator can be a potential biological marker for postpartum depression. It further suggests that the impaired auditory sensory gating indexed by P50 may be a stable trait a valuable potential biomarker for spreading of neuropathology of MCI or conversion from MCI to AD.
China Journal of Health Psychology
Alzheimer's disease
Preclinical phase
Mild cognitive impairment
Sensory gating potential