

Synthesis of organic gelators consisting of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and the study of gel properties
摘要 合成了含有脂肪酰胺基的四硫富瓦烯凝胶因子,测试其在不同有机溶剂中形成凝胶的能力。结果表明,凝胶因子能够与多种有机溶剂形成稳定的凝胶,最低成胶浓度可达0.1%。FTIR表明,分子间的氢键作用是形成凝胶的主要驱动力。同时,利用循环伏安、扫描电镜和其它方法研究了凝胶的性能。 The synthesis of tetrathiafulvalene gelator containing fatty amide group and the ability of the synthesized compouds forming organogel in different organic solvents is investigated. The ability of target compound forming organogel was studied. The result showed that the compoud can form organogel in a va-riety of solvents,and the minimum concentration of gelation is 0. 1%. The FTIR showed that the hydrogen bonds are the main driving force of gel formation. At the same time,study the properties of the gel by cy-clic voltammograms,scanning electron microscopy and other methods.
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 2014年第11期2033-2036,2041,共5页 Applied Chemical Industry
关键词 四硫富瓦烯 超分子化学 自主装 凝胶 酰胺 氢键 tetrathiafulvalene supramolecular chemistry self-assemble gel amide hydrogen-bond
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