

Study on farmer-initiated contacts for rural public goods supply: Taking Hubei Province as a case
摘要 提高农村公共物品供给效率,至关重要的是要一改以往的供给主导型模式,回归需求主导。在公共物品的需求表露机制中,农户的主动接触是其直接参与政治的主要形式。通过对涵盖农业生产、农民生活和农村环境等3大类11个子类的农村公共物品接触的Logit回归分析显示,影响湖北农户主动接触的最重要因素是政治效能感和家里有人常年在外打工,其次是加入农协或农村专业合作社、家庭年收入及其平方项。但主流学派关于感知需求是所有模型中最显著的一致预测元的观点在该研究中未得到相应数据的支持。 To improve the efficiency of rural public goods supply,it is important to turn to demand-dominant mode from the existed supply-dominant mode. Farmer-initiated contacts for public goods supply was the essential channel for their political participation. In the present study,the Logit regression analysis was carried out for farmer-initiated contacts,which covered 3 categories of agricultural production,farmers' life and rural environment comprising of 11 subclasses of rural public goods. It was shown that the most important factors affecting farmer-initiated contacts were political efficacy and family members' working away from home yearly,followed by the joining in the farmer association or specialized farmer cooperatives,family annual income and its square term. The mainstream viewpoint that perceived needs was the most consistently significant predictor of most types was not supported by the present research.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1696-1702,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 湖北省教育厅科技项目"农民合作经济组织与农业产业化经营的协同发展机制研究"(Q20122705)
关键词 公民主动接触 农村公共物品供给 湖北 农户 citizen-initiated contacts rural public goods supply Hubei Province farmer
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