将VoIP语音通信技术和Ad Hoc网络技术融合,结合网络层的AODV路由协议和传输层的RTP/RTCP协议设计网络层算法,实现了具有全双工的多跳自组织语音通信系统.通过实际网络场景,分别从丢包率、延时和语音MOS值等方面对传输质量进行了大量分析实验.结果表明,设计的多跳语音通信系统在传输跳数较少、路由切换不频繁的情况下,可以实现良好的语音传输.
In this paper,we introduce some relevant technologies used in the fields of Ad Hoc network and voice communication,and realize a voice communication system which worked by the Ad Hoc network on Linux.The system uses AODV as its routing algorithm and RTP as its transmission protocol.All nodes in the system are exactly the same and uses routing algorithm to organize themselves into an Ad Hoc network.When the users communicate with each other,the system will transfer voice data through the link between each node.In the end,we establish an Ad Hoc network and carry on the evaluation of transmission quality according to packet loss probability,time-delay and MOS.The result shows that the quality of communication is higher when the number of hops is small or bandwidth is large or routing switch is not frequent.The quality of transmission will reduce in the case of a smaller bandwidth or frequently route switching.
Journal of Shandong University of Technology:Natural Science Edition