2013年7月至2014年6月在贵州麻阳河自然保护区对2群黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)(分别记为XGB1、XGB2)用扫描法进行昼夜活动节律的记录观察,包括出、入夜宿地时间,日出时间和日落时间。结果表明:夏冬2季总体上看,所有猴群的昼夜活动节律均与日照时间波动显著相关。其中,XGB1群离开夜宿地时间与日出时间成正相关,进入夜宿地时间与日落时间无明显相关性,XGB2群离开夜宿地时间与日出时间成负相关,进入夜宿地时间与日落时间成正相关。在有限的领地范围内,XGB2群不得不延长白昼活动觅食的时间。冬季调查的所有猴群离开夜宿地时间与日出时间成正相关,冬季猴群的昼夜活动节律大多受到气温的影响。夏季XGB2群进入夜宿地时间显著晚于XGB1群,XGB1群离开夜宿地时间显著早于XGB2群;冬季XGB1群离开夜宿地时间显著早于XGB2群,但是XGB1群进入夜宿地时间与XGB2群差异不显著。不同季节猴群夜宿行为的差异,XGB1群和XGB2群冬季进入夜宿地时间早于夏季,离开夜宿地时间明显晚于夏季。因此,麻阳河黑叶猴夏季与冬季夜宿行为主要受昼长和气候因素的影响。
During the period from June 2013 to July 2014 ,the daily activity rhythm of two groups of Trachypithecusfrancoisi(XGB1 and XGB2)in Mayang River Nature Reserve was recorded by using the scanning method ,including the time entering and leaving the sleeping site,sunrise time and sunset time, Results indicated that: All groups' daily activity rhythm in summer and winter was significantly correlated with the sunset and sunrise time. The time Group XGB1 leaving their sleeping site was significantly positively correlated with the time of sunrise ,the time entering their sleeping site was not correlated with the sunset time. The time Group XGB2 leaving their sleeping site negatively correlated with sunrise time,the time entering their sleeping site positively correlated with sunset time.In a limited territorial limits, Group XGB2 had to extend foraging activities time of daylight. In winter,the time all the monkeys leaving their sleeping site was positively correlated with the time of sunrise ,monkeys' circadian activity rhythms in winter were mostly affected by temperature.During summer, the time Group XGBt entering their sleeping site was earlier than the Group XGB2,the time Group XGB~ leaving their sleeping site was also earlier than the Group XGB2;in winter,Group XGBt also earlier than Group XGB2 when they exiting the sleeping site in the morning,but the difference is not significant when they entering the sleeping site.The sleeping behavior was also influenced by season conditions: the time Group XGBt and Group XGB2 entering sleeping site in winter was earlier than in summer,leaving sleeping site time in winter was later than in summer. In conclusion, sleeping behavior of Trachypithecus froncoisi in summer and winter is mainly effected by daylength and climate factors.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
Trachypithec us franco/si
sunshine duration
daily activity rhythm
Mayang River Nature Reserve