
烟蚜茧蜂触角的超微结构与冷藏对触角的影响 被引量:6

Antennal Ultrastructure of Aphidius gifuensis and the Effect of Cold Storage on Antennae
摘要 【目的】明确烟蚜茧蜂(Aphidius gifuensis)触角和触角感觉器的外部形态及低温冷藏对其触角的影响,为烟蚜茧蜂的有效利用提供依据。【方法】采用扫描电镜观察正常羽化的烟蚜茧蜂雌、雄蜂触角的超微结构,比较雌、雄蜂触角感觉器的差异。将处于老熟幼虫期的烟蚜茧蜂在4℃低温下分别冷藏7、14、21和28 d,冷藏后用乙醇对样品进行脱水处理,并在扫描电镜下观察低温冷藏对烟蚜茧蜂触角外部形态及触角感觉器的影响。【结果】烟蚜茧蜂雌、雄成蜂触角外部形态相似,均属于丝状触角。雄蜂触角平均长度略长于雌蜂,雌蜂触角多为17节,雄蜂触角多为19节。成蜂触角上共有6种类型的感觉器:毛形感觉器、刺形感觉器、板形感觉器、B?hm氏鬃毛、腔锥形乳突状感觉器和锥形感觉器。毛形感觉器I主要分布在触角鞭节上,是触角上分布最广、数量最多的感觉器。板形感器主要分部在鞭节上,雄蜂从第1鞭节开始出现,雌蜂从第2鞭节开始出现。腔锥形乳突状感觉器II只存在于雄蜂触角上。雌、雄蜂感觉器的数量存在差异,雌蜂的刺形感觉器I数量多于雄蜂,雄蜂的刺形感觉器II和板形感觉器的数量则多于雌蜂。低温处理14、21、28 d后,板形感觉器、腔锥形乳突状感觉器均表现畸形,且触角最后两节分节不明显,有愈合成一节的趋势。冷藏28 d后,54%雄性触角不能正常分节,由正常情况下的19节而愈合为18节;69%的雌性触角不能正常分节,由正常情况下的17节而愈合为16节。【结论】烟蚜茧蜂触角属于丝状触角,共有6种类型感觉器。雄蜂触角长于雌蜂,感觉器的分布特点相似。低温冷藏对烟蚜茧蜂某些触角感觉器形态及触角末两节分节有显著影响。为减少冷藏对烟蚜茧蜂的伤害,应尽量避免在蛹期以前的虫态低温保存蜂种,且应缩短冷藏时间。 【Objective 】 The objectives of this study are to describe the external morphology of the antennae and antennal sensilla of Aphidius gifuensis, examine the effects of cold storage on the antennal sensilla, and to provide the basis for effective use of A. gifuensis. 【Method】 Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the morphological characteristics of the antennae and sensilla of A. gifuensis adults that emerged under normal conditions, and to compare the sensilla of males and females. Mature larvae of A. gifuensis were stored at 4 ℃ for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, and then following cold storage, samples were prepared by ethanoldehydration. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the effects of cold storage on the external form of the antennae and antennal sensilla. 【Result】 The antennae of males and females were both filiform and had similar morphologies. The average length of the male antenna(19 segments) was slightly longer than that of the female(17 segments). Six types of antennal sensilla were identified, namely, trichodea, chaetica, placodea, Bhm's bristles, coeleoconica, and basiconica sensilla. Sensilla trichodea type I,which were the most widely distributed and most numerous of the antennal sensilla, were found mainly on the flagella. Sensilla placodea were also distributed on the flagella, occurring from the first flagellum in males and from the second flagellum in females.Sensilla coeleoconica type II were found only on the antennae of adult males. There were differences in the number of different sensilla on male and female antennae. The number of sensilla chaetica type I in females was greater than that in males, whereas the converse was true for the number of sensilla chaetica type II and sensilla placodea. Abnormal placodea and coeleoconica were observed when larvae were stored at 4℃ for 14, 21, and 28 days, with the low temperature influencing the segmentation of the last two antennal subsegments. Fifty-four percent of male antennae showed abnormal segmentation, with antennae comprising 18 segments instead of the normal 19. Similarly, 69% of female antennae showed abnormal segmentation, bearing 16 segments instead of the typical 17. 【Conclusion】The antennae of adult male and female A. gifuensis are filiform. Six types of antennal sensilla were found on the antennae. The types of antennal sensilla in both males and females were similar, but the length of the male antenna was longer than that of the female. Cold storage had a significant effect on antennal segmentation and the form of some sensilla. In order to reduce the damage to A. gifuensis caused by cold storage, preserving A. gifuensis prior to the pupal stage should be avoided and the storage time should be shortened.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第23期4637-4647,共11页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203091) 贵州省烟草公司项目(201313) 山东临沂烟草有限公司项目(20143) 凉山州烟草公司项目(201101)
关键词 烟蚜茧蜂 扫描电镜 触角感觉器 低温冷藏 畸形 Aphidius gifuensis scanning electron microscopy antennal sensilla cold storage deformity
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