
大连海域远洋船舶排放清单 被引量:27

Emission Inventory of Ocean-Going Vessels in Dalian Coastal Area
摘要 为准确评估船用柴油机实际排放,利用船舶自动识别系统(automatic identification system,AIS)采集远洋船舶的船速、航行时间、地理位置信息等实时航行数据,采用动力法对2012年大连港远洋船舶的排放清单进行计算.结果表明:2012年大连港远洋船舶PM10、NOx、SOx、CO、HC、CO2总排放量分别为5 785(包括4 628 t PM2.5)、51 451、49 437、4 677、2 010及2 885 388 t.在4种运行工况中系泊工况排放量最大,受船舶类型和污染物种类影响,系泊工况污染物排放所占比例有所不同,但其分担率均在75.0%左右.船舶排放污染物的空间分析表明,船舶系泊停靠的港口区域是污染物排放最密集的区域.从船舶类型来看,散货船、集装箱船、邮轮和油轮是污染物主要排放船型,在整个船舶排放清单中,这4类船舶对DPM(柴油机颗粒物)、NOx、SOx、CO、CO2的排放分担率之和分别为90.9%、91.4%、91.9%、91.5%、91.9%.在船舶的主机、辅机和锅炉3种排放源中,主机是主要排放源,集装箱船和滚装船的主机分担率为90.0%,货船和邮轮的辅机排放分担率达到40.0%. Based on parameters such as speed, sailing time and geographical information obtained from automatic identification system (AIS) and activity-based approach, an emission inventory of ocean-going vessels (OGVs) in Dalian coastal area in 2012 was established. Results showed that the total emissions of PM10, NOx, SOx, CO, ttC and CO2 from OGVs were 5,785 t, 51,451 t, 49,437 t, 4,677 t, 2,010 t and 2,885,388 t, respectively. About 75.0% of emissions happened during berth hoteling, with slight differences between vessels and pollutants. It could be clearly seen from the spatial distribution of emissions that the port area was the densest, where vessels berth. The top four types-dry bulk carrier, container, cruise and oil tanker-accounted for 90.9% of DPM (diesel particulate matter) , 91.4% of NO, 91.9% of SO, 91.5% of CO and 91.9% of CO2 emissions. The main engine was the major emission source, for container and ro/ro. 90. 0% of the total emissions were from the main engine, while over 40. 0% of the emissions of general cargo and cruise was from the auxiliary engine.
出处 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期1426-1431,共6页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41275133)
关键词 远洋船舶 排放清单 船舶自动识别系统 空间分布 动力法 ocean-going vessels emission inventory AIS ( automatic identification system) spatial distribution activity-based approach
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