
第5代头孢菌素类抗生素的研究进展和市场动态 被引量:8

Research Progress and Market Trend of the Fifth Generation Cephalosporin Antibiotics
摘要 头孢菌素类抗生素具有抗菌活性强、抗菌谱广、耐β-内酰胺酶、耐酸碱、毒副作用小等优点,是治疗细菌感染性疾病的常用药,目前第5代已进入临床研究阶段。综述了第5代头孢菌素类抗生素的国内外研究进展,并对其市场进行了SWOT分析和展望,旨在为头孢菌素类抗生素的市场及临床应用的合理化发展提供参考。 Cephalosporin antibiotics have a variety of advantages, including strong antibacterial activity, wide antimicrobial spectrum, resistance to β-actamase, acid and alkali, as well as low toxicity. They have been commonly used for the treatment of bacterial infectious diseases. The fifth generation cephalosporin antibiotics both have entered the stage of clinical research. The research progress of fiRh generation eephalosporin antibiotics both at borne and abroad has been reviewed in this paper, and the Strengths Weakness Opportunity Threats (SWOT) analysis and the prospect of their market trend have been conducted, so as to provide references for the rational development of the market and clinical applications of cephalosporin antibiotics.
出处 《药学进展》 CAS 2014年第10期741-746,共6页 Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences
关键词 头孢菌素类抗生素 MRSA 联合用药 市场动态 cephalosporin antibiotic MRSA drugs combination market trend
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