
全球治理视野下的失效国家问题 被引量:2

Failed States and Global Governance
摘要 失效国家与全球治理之间存在复杂而密切的联系。主要围绕两个问题展开:一是失效国家对全球治理带来的重大挑战,包括恐怖主义、武器扩散、流行性疾病、跨国犯罪以及难民潮等全球性问题。二是国际社会对失效国家问题的应对措施及其局限性。从某种程度上讲,国际社会应对失效国家问题的有效程度,彰显了全球治理的进展与限度。在应对失效国家方面,国际社会亟需"新思维"。 This article aims to explore the close and delicate relations between failed states and global governance. The discussion mainly centers on two basic questions: one is the steep challenges posed by failed states such as terrorism, proliferation, epidemics, trans-border crimes and refugee flows; the other is the responses of international community to the aforementioned challenges and their limitations. The effectiveness of the responses of international community to failed states highlights both the inroads and limitations of global governance in today's world. Finally, the author urges that international community needs "new thinking" to confront the challenges posed by failed states.
作者 闫健
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期31-42,共12页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 失效国家 全球性问题 全球治理 新思维 Failed States Global Issues Global Governance New Thinking
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