目的:利用锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomography,CBCT)获取宫颈癌调强放疗分次间摆位误差,研究变化趋势。方法:宫颈癌调强放疗22例,每位患者利用锥形束CT获取放疗前摆位误差次数6-8次,累积153次,统计放疗分次间平移及旋转摆位误差及差异,分析变化趋势。结果:分次间放疗前摆位平移误差一般不超过7mm,旋转误差一般不超过3°;平移误差Y轴最大,X轴与Z轴差异无统计学意义;旋转误差X轴最大,Y轴与Z轴差异无统计学意义。随着放疗的进行,平移及旋转摆位误差没有发现明显增加或减少的趋势。结论:宫颈癌调强放疗首次摆位Y轴平移误差及X轴旋转误差较大,随着放疗的进行未发现摆位误差增加或减少趋势。
Objective:To study the inter fraction setup errors and tendency in radiationtherapy by cone beam CT (CBCT) for cervix cancer.Methods:All 22 patients with cervix cancer were treated by IMRT,setup errors were acquired by CBCT for 6-8 times each patient before radiotherapy,a total of 153 CBCT scans.The inter-fraction setup errors and the tendency were analyed.Results:Most of the initial translational setup errors were less than 7mm,on rotational were less than 3° ;Y directions were the largest translational setup errors and no obvious differences were observed between the X and Z.X directions were the largest rotational setup errors and no obvious differences were observed between the Y and Z.With the course of radiationtherapy,no increase or decrease trend was observed in translational and rotational setup errors.Conclusion:The Y directions translational and X directions rotational setup errors were the largest;no increase or decrease trend in setup errors.was observed with the course of radiationtherapy.
Journal of Modern Oncology