Facing fierce competition, an increasing number of firms recognize the importance ofinnovation.This has a great impact on the effective operation and long- term sustainability of a firm,because innovation is one of the sources of competitive advantages. As an experience- based service,tourism and hospitality that show a humanistic concern for the tourist is important for the attraction ofcustomers. This is achieved by creating personal experiences and improving the quality of nationaltourism.Enhancement of the adaptability, innovative capacity and comprehensive capability of tourismservice providers is required to achieve these outcomes. As organizational innovation is often rooted inindividual creativity, the implementation of the creative ideas of employees is the microscopic carrier oforganization innovation. It is therefore important for researchers to study the driving force of employeeinnovative behaviors of tourism service providers. This study focused on the impact of individual andorganizational context factors on employee innovative behaviors. In other words, it explored theinfluence of market orientation, organizational learning climate, and self- efficacy onindividualinnovative behaviors. We took employees as the research object, surveyed a sample of 400 employeesin a tourism service provider chain. In total, 333 questionnaires were returned and 320 were found to bevalid. The data were analyzed using statistical tests, including reliability tests, validity tests, structuralequation model, and regression model. The researchers found that: (1) self-efficacy has a positive andsignificant impact on employee innovative behaviors. The higher the evaluation of self- capacity, themore likely an employee would implement innovative behaviors. However, this relationship changesdepending on how a firm handle market information (market orientation). To be specific, the higher thedegree of organizational market orientation perceived by employees, the stronger the relationship isbetween self- efficacy and employee innovative behaviors; and (2) the organizational learning climatehas a positive impact on the innovative behaviors of employees. An environment that promotesindividual learning and gives permission to try and fail can motivate individuals to produce new ideas.The finding of this study provides the basis for tourism service providers to enhance employeeinnovative behaviors.Our results show that tourism service providers should create and cultivate betterlearning climate by creating team spirit by focusing on cooperation and sharing vision, by helpingemployees understand the whole procedure of organizational functioning and learning, by emphasizingon learning and improving organizational learning capacity, and by drawing lessons from the past.Tourism service providers should also develop and use relevant employee selection tools to recruitemployees with high self-efficacy, and cultivate market orientation which not only focuses on customerdemand, but also on in-depth knowledge of competitors.Through the creation of a model of individualenvironmentinteraction, this study reveals more factors that affec temployee innovative behaviors, andenriches the research achievements of innovative behaviors. Future research may focus on moreexplanatory factors, introducing mediating or moderating variables that reveal the mechanisms thatdrive and improve employee innovation behaviors.
Tourism Tribune
employee innovative behaviors
self- efficacy
organizational learning climate