目的探讨高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷对寻常型银屑病患者血液流变学改变和临床意义.方法:将64 例寻常型银屑病患者随机分成两组(A 组复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组,B 组1 次高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组),并记录各组实验前后各组的全血粘度,血浆粘度,全血还原粘度,红细胞压积等流变指标.结果:寻常型银屑病患者的全血粘度,红细胞压积,全血还原粘度用药前后相比,高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组和复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组均显著下降(p〈0.01或p〈0.05);高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组与复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组比较,高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组改变血液流变状况的幅度比复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组显著(p〈0.05).结论:高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷对银屑病的治疗,从血液流变学指标来看,两组均对寻常型银屑病有很好的疗效,且高压氧舱治疗联合复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注组比复方甘草酸苷静脉滴注疗效更为理想.
ObjectiveTo discuss the hemorheology differences and clinical efficiency of patients with psoriasis vulgaris treated by compound glycyrrhizin. Methods: 64patients with psoriasis vulgaris were randomly divided into two groups(n=32):Oral group and Intravenous drip group. We recorded the results of each group by testing blood viscosity,plasma viscosity, hematocrit and blood reduced viscosity. Results: Compared with before using the compound glycyrrhizin., the blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit andblood reduced viscosity were significantly decreased in that of treatment group(p〈0.01 or p〈0.05).Compared the Oral group with the Intravenous drip group, the former decreasedobviously (p〈0.05).Conclution: With the results of hemorheology, we can found that both the Oral group and the Intravenous drip group had predicatively effective for psoriasisvulgaris. And also we realized the Oral group got better therapeutic efficiency than the Intravenous drip group.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine