目的分析绵阳地区孕妇唐氏综合征胎儿的发病率,评价孕中期妇女进行唐氏综合征筛查的临床价值.方法:采用时间分辨免疫荧光分析法孕中期孕妇血清标本进行AFP 和F-β-HCG 检测,计算胎儿染色体病的发病风险,对筛查高风险孕妇经遗传咨询,自愿选择进行产前诊断.结果:筛查阳性率为10.18%,其中DS 8.15%;18-三体0.23%;NTD 1.80%.确诊阳性率2.89%.结论:孕中期妇女进行唐氏综合征筛查结合产前诊断对及早发现胎儿染色体异常具有重要临床价值,能有效降低病残儿出生率,有利于本地区人口质量的提高.
ObjectiveAnalysis of pregnant women in Mianyang DS fetal morbidity, evaluation of second trimester in women undergoing screening for Down 's syndrome in theclinical value.Methods:Using time-resolved immunofluorescence analysis mid pregnancy pregnant women serum specimens AFP and F-β–HCG detection, risk calculation of fetalchromosomal disease, screening of high risk pregnant women after genetic counseling,voluntary choice for prenatal diagnosis.Results : Screening positive ratewas10.18%,including8.15%DS ;trisomy18 0.23%;NTD1.80%.The positive rate of diagnosis of 2.89%.Conclusion:Second trimester screening for Down's syndrome in women withprenatal diagnosis for early detection of fetal chromosomal abnormality is an important clinical value, can effectively reduce the disabled child birth rate, the region is conducive toimproving the quality of population.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine