目的探讨经阴道彩超在卵巢黄体血肿鉴别诊断中的临床价值.方法:对经阴道超声检查疑是黄体血肿的50 例病例进行追踪观察,追踪时间1~6 个月,了解病变的转归,对手术病例追踪病理结果.结果:1~6 个月后病变消失 42 例,手术8 例,其中巧克力囊肿4 例,黄体破裂3 例,囊性畸胎瘤1 例.结论:结合超声二维图像及彩色多普勒检查表现,经阴道彩超检查对卵巢黄体血肿的诊断准确性较高( 该组病例符合率84%),加上追踪复查可进一步提高准确率,减少误诊,可避免不必要的手术.
ObjectiveExplore the vagina colour to exceed in ovarian corpus luteum hematoma clinical value in differential diagnosis.Methods:To transvaginal ultrasoundsuspected 50 cases in corpus luteum hematoma tracking observation, track 1 - 6 months, understand the pathological changes of outcome, pathological results of surgical casesResults:1 - 6 months lesions disappeared after 42 cases, 8 cases of the operation, including chocolate cyst, 4 cases of corpus luteum rupture 3 cases, cystic teratoma in 1.Conclusion:Combined with two-dimensional ultrasound images and color doppler examination, transvaginal colour to exceed examination in the diagnosis of ovarian corpus luteum hematomaaccuracy is higher (the group cases coincidence rate 84%), and track review can further improve the accuracy, reduce misdiagnosis, can avoid unnecessary surgery.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
Transvaginal color doppler ultrasound examination
Ovarian corpus luteum ematoma
Clinical value